Talia loves to read tales of adventure and romance, though it’s frowned upon by her community, which isn’t keen on educating girls. When Arrows of the Queen opens, we are introduced to Talia, a thirteen-year-old girl raised among the Holderkin, a religious and conservative group of people living on the border between Valdemar and its longtime enemy, Karse. This doesn’t mean the kingdom has no problems- its people are as human as any other- but the Companions help to ensure that Valdemar is a true meritocracy.

Thanks to the Heralds, Valdemar has maintained internal stability and peace for centuries. They also have a strong character and a desire to help others. The Chosen have particular abilities of mind magic, such as mind speech, animal mind speech, fire-starting, and others. Arrows of the Queen introduces us to the kingdom of Valdemar, a land of relative peace, prosperity, and openness guarded by the Heralds, people from all walks of life who are chosen by sentient sprit-horses called Companions.